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“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
Meet Karey
Esther House Graduate, 2023
Karey first came to the ODM community in the early 2000s. She associated with the “street kids,” a group of individuals who became homeless at a young age and never emotionally matured into adulthood. Karey was drawn to ODM because of the outreach of Bruce Vlieger and Bex Drake who ran ODM’s Ezra program.
In those early years, Karey once told Bex, “I don’t believe in love. It doesn’t exist.” The thought of Karey ever overcoming her past and experiencing God’s great love for her seemed nearly impossible.
Karey’s story has been full of twists and turns over the almost twenty years we’ve known her. But here is what we are rejoicing in today: Karey has found the love of Christ! She came back to Open Door in 2021 after dropping out of Esther House three previous times. By God’s grace, Karey’s perseverance, and a supportive community around her, Karey completed the program!
On January 1st, 2023, Karey moved into her own apartment. It’s the first place she’s lived on her own in thirteen years. She saved her money diligently to furnish the space and make it feel like home. Later that month we filled the Open Door sanctuary with people to celebrate what God has done in her life. What a testament to his unfailing, never-ending love for us.
Meet Joann
Te Veo House Assistant Director
Joann moved into Te Veo House as a resident at the end of 2021. Joann shared, “I journeyed back to New Jersey last year to take care of my mom. When she passed, I suddenly realized I didn’t have a place to live. I was living, eating, sleeping and washing up in my car during a heat wave in August.”
Looking to return to Denver, Joann found Open Door’s website and drove to Denver to apply for housing at Te Veo House. After patiently waiting and sleeping in her car in the cold weather, she received a call that she could move in. Joann shared, “When I got to the house, there was a gift bag on the bed, a new bedspread, and a greeting letter saying ‘We see you.’ I left the letter on the dresser for days
because it was such a beautiful greeting.” When Christmas rolled around, the staff showered residents with gifts from donors. Joann commented, “It was a blessing to see so much love poured out on the sisters here in this house. You could see God’s hand working. Our donors need to know the impact that it made on every person here.”
Joann is now living in stable housing and gainfully employed - as the Te Veo House Assistant Director! She is pursuing her dream to write a book while serving women in desperate need of help and hope.
Meet Nikkie
Treasure House Graduate, 2022
“I started using substances at the age of 12 and I didn’t stop for the next 20 years… It didn’t matter the quality of the help offered me because my problem was a spiritual problem.
“When I was 32 I found myself a new mother to a baby boy that I desperately wanted, but didn’t know how to keep because I couldn’t break that cycle. I was hours away from giving my son over to people I felt were better equipped to care for him than me when in a moment of desperation and sheer brokenness, I cried out to a God I didn’t know yet, asking for help. And I found myself a resident of Treasure House shortly after that.
“Treasure House was not a house to me. Treasure House was the home where my son’s and my life started. My son took his first steps there, said his first words… I was lovingly nurtured as I explored my relationship with Christ. Six months in I got baptized. I also enrolled in college, which I am still in today, got an amazing job, which I still have today, and developed the most meaningful relationships I have ever had.”
Meet Lee
Lighthouse Resident, 2022
Lee came to the Lighthouse in 2021 after a short stint in jail. He was ready to make a change and during his time at Lighthouse God has brought healing and restoration to his life. Every Saturday morning Lee joined other men in the house for Celebrate Recovery group. They supported each other and grow closer to God as they work towards sustainable sobriety.
Lee also found stable employment and became good friends with another resident, Bryce. Lee and Bryce moved into a level-2 sober living apartment where they will have more freedom while still living in a supportive Christian community.
Here is what Lee had to share about his experience so far at ODM:
“Thank God I came here. It’s been an amazing transformation in my life. I’m going to hold on to some of these friendships forever. This is a great place for people who are serious about wanting change in their lives - to take flight and find a new direction in life. I wanted to take full advantage of that.”