Open Door Ministries Policy Statements
Jump to: Non-Discrimination Policy | Political Involvement Policy | Sex & Gender Policy | Value of Life Statement
Non-Discrimination Policy
It shall be the official policy of Open Door Ministries to operate in a non-discriminatory manner. The policy stated below is the official policy adopted by the Open Door Ministries Board of Directors on August 8, 2024.
Open Door Ministries serves individuals of any age, race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, and national and ethnic origin. All rights, privileges, and programs including program admission, financial aid, and other ministry activities are generally accorded or made available to program clients. Open Door Ministries does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, gender, disability, marital status, and national and ethnic origin in administration of its hiring policies.
Political Involvement Statement
Regarding involvement in politics or support for specific political issues or candidates, Open Door Ministries makes these decisions through the following filters.
First, as a 501c3, ODM does not endorse political candidates or parties. Occasionally, we can and do advocate for specific issues or causes (any non-profit can), but we do not endorse candidates or parties. Furthermore, no board or staff member may endorse or support a candidate or political party in their capacity as a board or staff member of ODM. This includes not using their ODM e-mails, ODM platforms, or other ODM communications to support a candidate or political party. A board or staff member may of course personally support or endorse a political candidate or party, but not in any official role through ODM.
Second, no funding given to ODM would ever be used to support a political candidate or party. If a staff member were ever to run for office, their salary would not cover any portion of their campaign work.
Third, we believe that God is advancing his own Kingdom rule in the world and in the hearts of people through the proclamation of the message of Jesus Christ. As God’s chosen King, Jesus made it clear that His kingdom “is not of this world” (John 18:36). So, we believe His kingdom is a spiritual kingdom and not an earthly or political kingdom. ODM’s mission to Show Mercy, Build Community, and Make Disciples for Christ sums up our commitment to seek and proclaim the kingdom of Jesus and not the kingdom of any human being or human entity. As we strive to bring his kingdom and will to earth, there have been times that we have felt called to speak out to our government leaders about a pressing societal issue that God speaks about clearly in his Word. This has not been a frequent practice for ODM, but based on passages like Prov. 31:8-9, we understand that it is a legitimate role for the people of God in our society.
Finally, ODM has a statement of faith and core values which can be found at All staff are required to sign the statement of faith and code of ethical conduct (available upon request).
Questions or concerns can be directed to our Executive Director, David Warren, at 720-975-0107 or or our Chairman of the Board.
Sex & Gender Policy
We desire to love each of our participants that God brings to Open Door Ministries including our trans* and non-binary friends. We are eager to engage with all individuals regardless of how they identify regarding their gender. Furthermore, we want to help everyone in our community as we learn more about God’s love and as we wrestle with our faith and identity. Our ultimate goal is to introduce everyone to Jesus and lead people into a growing relationship with Him.
We recognize that gender dysphoria (incongruence between gender identity and biological sex) is real and want to be a safe place for people to grow in their God-given identity. We also understand that when a person doesn’t feel congruence between their biological sex and their gender, it can cause significant confusion and pain. We want to address each person as an individual and seek to love them with the amazing love of God. While leading our relationships in love, we have biblical values that guide us in our teaching and programming related to the sex and gender of each individual we serve. We believe the Bible teaches that all of humanity is created in the image of God as male or female. We believe that God differentiates humanity as male and female according to our biological sex. Although we understand that gender dysphoria is real and incongruence between gender and biological sex is a real experience, we ultimately believe that the way forward for Christians is to identify our gender according to our biological sex.
Furthermore, we recognize that this can be a painful subject. Our desire is not to add to the pain of the trans* and non-binary communities. Because we know these realities raise procedural issues within some of our ministries, the following sections are meant not to condemn or divide but simply to bring clarity to how we will proceed in these matters.
General Ministries
In our ministries that do not differentiate services based on sex or gender, we do not discriminate on the basis of biological sex or gender identity for any of those services.
Children & Youth
Within our children and youth programs, we differentiate between our students on the basis of their biological sex for bathroom use, mentoring relationships, sleeping arrangements, or other times there are male or female specific activities. We want to be sensitive to the needs of trans* and non-binary students; therefore, we will stay open to consider other options such as having single use bathrooms available, providing alternative sleeping arrangements, and making other accommodations as possible.
Residential Homes
Within our residential properties, we have a variety of types of homes. Most of them, however, are specifically for men or women. In our homes that are designated for men or women, residents are admitted based on their biological sex. We admit residents who identify their gender according to their biological sex. This policy would not relate to our facilities that accept both male and female residents. Our desire is to help all those in need access housing including trans* and non-binary individuals.
In conclusion, we understand that these issues are complicated and difficult. As stated above, we are committed to loving each person where they are and offering biblical guidance ministering both truth and love to each person as God’s creation. As always, we invite questions or concerns regarding our policies and hope to find truth and grace solutions together.
Value of Life Statement
Open Door Ministries’ view of human life which relates to issues such as abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, etc. comes from both the Scriptures and from over two decades of working with low income, abused, and trafficked men, women, youth, and children. The following statement addresses the issue of medical elective abortion, but it must be viewed within the wider subject of the value of all human life from conception to death.
We understand that the decision to carry a baby to full term can be one of the most difficult choices a woman can make. With that said, women in these circumstances need support both during the pregnancy and after the birth. We provide support for the mom no matter what decision she makes, but we encourage women to choose either adoption or parenting the child. This support includes housing, counseling, financial support, parenting skills, healthcare, childcare, education, and employment assistance among others.
Regardless of the situation, we believe there is always hope in life. We believe that the value of every human life from conception to death is affirmed by Scripture and reinforced by modern science. According to the Bible especially Psalm 139:13-16, the child in the womb is known and loved by God and is therefore already an invaluable human life made in the image of God from the time of conception. We believe that God is the giver of human life (Deuteronomy 32:39) and therefore we as humans should not play God and take the life of a human being created in its mother’s womb, a sacred space.
As such, we ask each of our staff members to sign a Code of Ethical Conduct stating that they will not practice or affirm the practice of medical elective abortion. Furthermore, It is ODM's position that government should seek to reduce the number of abortions in our country and around the world and also seek to change the law to end the practice of abortion for the sake of the unborn AND the women who find themselves in an unintended pregnancy. We seek this not only for the children but also to rescue the women from a decision that will bring emotional and spiritual harm to them in years to come. We understand that merely changing the law will not completely change the practice of abortion although we believe it will make a tremendous difference. As a society, we must not only advocate for the life of the unborn but we must provide the practical help and hope to women who do not feel they have what it takes to raise a child. Similarly to when a person is considering or attempts suicide, our society must provide emotional support and practical help for women who feel that their only choice is to take the life of their child.
Even as we take this position, we believe in forgiveness. We cannot emphasize enough that it is not our job to shame or convict of sin but to offer the love and forgiveness of Christ our Savior, for which all of us are in need. As Christians, our greatest law is love. This love extends to both women and the unborn. Let us all seek to be united by this principle.