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Long-term Clients Served in 2023
Points of Contact in 2023
Salvations, Baptisms and Rededications in 2023
of kids who are involved in our Children and Youth programs go on to the next grade level or graduate from high school, compared to Denver Public School’s 82.3% graduation rate.
We have 4 homes that serve participants on a long-term basis as they work to rebuild their lives. This year, 84% of residents who have lived in those homes for at least 6 months maintained their sobriety completely.
Participants are scored on a scale of 1-5 in 7 different outcome categories: healthy behaviors, stable housing, sustainable employment (for adults)/emotional resilience (for kids), vibrant spirituality, completed education (for adults) / educational engagement (for kids), renewed relationships (for adults) / relationship health (for kids), and developed leadership. Total scores range from 1-35 and are taken at program entry, program exit, and periodically throughout each year. Any score over 21 is considered stable, and a score of 28 or more is considered thriving.
2023 Life Health Score Averages by Focus Area
Housing: 22
Outreach: 25
Children and Youth: 24
Leadership Development: 23
2023 Average Life Health Score Improvement by Focus Area
Housing: 9%
Outreach: 8%
Children and Youth: 12%
Leadership Development: 31%
Housing graduates are scored on a 5 point scale in each of the listed categories, with 1 being failure, 3 being stability and 5 being successful beyond expectations. Graduates are measured periodically for two years after they leave the program and the numbers below exhibit their long-term stability and success.
Average Continuing Care Scores Since 2019
Community Connection: 3.8
Sobriety: 4.5
Housing: 4.5
Employment: 3.9
Community Giveback: 3.5
Our program graduates who participate in Continuing Care have a 0% recidivism rate for homelessness once they leave Open Door.
78% of our students come from single parent families, and 81% of our students are living below the poverty line.
In our Learning Center, the kids are assessed quarterly using the Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment tool, which measures their development across multiple domains. Below are listed the TS GOLD assessment outcomes in 6 of those domains from July of 2023:
Social-Emotional: 98% meeting standards, 3% exceeding standards
Physical: 100% meeting standards, 4% exceeding standards
Language: 97% meeting standards, 6% exceeding standards
Cognitive: 94% meeting standards, 1% exceeding standards
Literacy: 97% meeting standards, 7% exceeding standards
Math: 94% meeting standards, 2% exceeding standards