Thrive in 25 goes beyond home purchases and serving vulnerable communities. It also frees up capital to enable other branches of this ministry to grow and serve our strategic initiatives. See below to learn specifically how this campaign will impact urban Denver.


Thrive in Resources


Thrive in 25 will ultimately retire over $75K of debt ($28K in interest and $47K in annualized principal payments) averaged annually over the next 20 years, the equivalent of…

  • Serving 66,000 additional meals per year at Westside Food Bank OR

  • Housing up to 10 additional women per year for transitional living OR

  • Providing services and building relationships with nearly 140 additional Family Room friends per year

“Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” - Romans 13:8


Thrive in Services


Thrive in 25 frees up capital to:

  • Enrich programs and services based on our strategic desired outcomes.

  • Implement more continuing care efforts to support our program graduates.

  • Renovate our 100+ year-old homes to continue addressing Denver’s growing problem of unsheltered homelessness.

  • Build more equity and financial resiliency to keep up with future funding needs.

  • Leverage flexible funding to implement unconventional, evidence-based services.

  • Increase our capacity to serve the growing needs of urban Denver.

“And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” - Isaiah 58:10


Thrive in Leadership


45% of Thrive in 25 dollars directly benefit urban ministry leaders, including ODM staff, which allows ODM to…

  • Impact the next generation of urban leaders with our upcoming Nehemiah Leadership Initiative - an eight month program equipping leaders with invaluable skills from working within ODM programs.

  • Provide affordable housing through Antioch House for staff who would otherwise have a housing cost-burden of 59% of their income (on average).

  • Create a pipeline of developed urban leaders and hire and retain exemplary individuals to run programs, which ultimately leads to deep, long-lasting relationships with our community.

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” - Hebrews 13:7


Thrive in Community


ODM served nearly 1,000 participants through our long-term transitional housing programs within the last 25 years. Thrive in 25 will allow us to…

  • Increase our impact through long-term transitional housing to create a community of stable, sober living and self-sufficiency.

  • Accelerate strategic plans to invest deeply in Southwest Denver campus.

  • Establish life-changing communities in other low-income neighborhoods as we have successfully done in Capitol Hill

  • See a healthier Denver as we further our mission and Thrive in 25+ more years!

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” - Galatians 6:2